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Black rot in a sentence

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Sentence count:16Posted:2024-07-09Updated:2024-07-09
Similar words: black ratblack raceblack raspberryback roombackroomstack roomblack jackblackjackMeaning: n. a fungous disease causing darkening and decay of the leaves of fruits and vegetables. 
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1. Some gardeners control black rot with sulfur sprays.
2. A: Perhaps your grapes are suffering from black rot, a fungal disease.
3. Tocabbage black rot, no cultivar was highly resistant, 75 were tolerant, 4were resistant and 61 shsceptible.
4. A lot of improved varieties of resistance to black rot with high yield and good qualities have been developed.
5. Black rot in cruciferous vegetables, caused by Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris is a global disease, generally occurs, resulting in cruciferous vegetables a serious decline in quality and yield.
6. The losses produced by black rot are as high as 70 %.
7. Development of hardier clones has helped production levels, which were irregular in humid climates, due to this variety's propensity to develop "powdery mildew" and "black rot".
8. Results of correlation analysis indicated that there was not any correlation between resistance to black rot of varieties and its main economic characters.
9. Summer span, can be put under water cooling arbours , it should be noted that overheating will cause the stems and leaves too wet black rot.
10. Chestnut is a famous fruit but it can get black ret easily. The losses produced by black rot are as high as 70%.
11. The bactericide aims at controlling gray mold of vegetables, and has unique treating effect on anthracnose and Cladosporium cucumerinum of fruit trees as well as black rot of tobacco at the same time.
12. St. Croix has vigorous growth and good resistance to powdery mildew and black rot.
12. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
13. Yellow or brown areas shaped like the letter V on leaves may be a sign of black rot infection.
14. The invention relates to a method for quickly detecting pathogenic bacteria carried by plant seeds of bacterial black rot, and relates to the biological detection of plant pathogenic bacteria.
15. The results showed that illumination affected the growth rate and resistance of Azolla against black rot disease, both of which were lower under weak light (Tables 1,2).
16. The method of image processing techniques can meet the demand of quick detection of leaf spots of crop black rot. The defected image are acquired and pre-processed.
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